Welcome to the new webpage of the International Network on Electrophoretic Deposition
This website is hosted by Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Aldo R. Boccaccini at the Biomaterials Institute at the Univeristy of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany.
The idea of this page is to provide a platform to the EPD Worldwide´s community to keep in contact and to facilitate the comunicaion between its members.
Prof. Boccaccini presents invited talk at a Webinar about Electrophoretic Deposition
On 22nd November, Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini was an invited speaker at the Free Webinar Electrophoretic Deposition (EPD): From Fundamentals to Applications hosted by the journal Nanomaterials and chaired by Dr Fabien Grasset.
Prof. Begoña Ferrari (ICV, Spain) was also a speaker at the webinar. Prof. Boccaccini said: “This was a special event, specially considering the high number of participants and the time available for the Q&A session, which indicates the high interest in electrophoretic deposition as a convenient technique for processing advanced (nano)materials”.
The 7th International Conference on Electrophoretic Deposition (EPD 2022) was held on 30.10.22 – 03.11.22 in Santa Fe, USA.
Prof. Boccaccini was the chair of the conference with co-chairs Dr. B. Ferrari (Spain), Dr. A. Pascall (USA) and Dr. T. Uchikoshi (Japan). He presented the talk: “Electrophoretic deposition as technique of choice for antibacterial coatings on metallic implants?”
Zoya Hadzhieva, PhD student in our Institute, attended EPD 2022 and presented both an oral presentation titled “Electrophoretic Deposition of Multicomponent Coatings Incorporating Biopolymers, Phytotherapeutics and Bioactive Glass for Biomedical Applications ” and a poster titled “Electrophoretic deposition of zein/bioactive glass composite coatings doped with F and Cu on titanium for biomedical applications”.
Asim Muhammad Akhtar, PhD student, attended online and presented the talk: “Electrofabrication and Characterization of Multifunctional, Asymmetric Bilayer Films Based on Chitosan‐Gelatin and Mesoporous Bioactive Glass Nanoparticles for Guided Bone Regeneration”.
The next conference of the series, again chaired by Prof. Boccaccini, will be held in 2025 in Spain.
Successful "Electrophoretic Deposition (EPD) Webinar 2021"
Chaired by Professor Aldo R. Boccaccini, the "Electrophoretic Deposition (EPD) Webinar 2021" was held on 17th November with sponsorship of Engineering Conferences International (ECI).
The webinar was co-chaired by Dr. Begona Ferrari (Spain), Dr. Andrew Pascall (USA) and Dr. Tetsuo Uchikoshi (Japan).
Eight invited speakers presented the latest results and advances in the field of EPD, for a wide range of applications including nanostructured funtional films, semiconductors, solid oxide cells, biomedical coatings, electro-fabrication and catalyitic materials.
The next conference of the series is planed to be in-presence in Sante Fe, USA, on Oct. 30- Nov. 3, 2022 (EPD 2022).
Electrophoretic deposition network: http://www.electrophoretic-deposition.com/
Two papers on EPD of chitosan based biomedical coatings published in Electrochimica Acta
Two papers on electrophoretic deposition (EPD) co-authored by members of the Institute of Biomaterials_, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany, have been recently published in the journal Electrochimica Acta. The papers are part of the special issue ISE 2018 (69th Annual ISE Meeting, Bologna, Italy), where these papers were presented at Symposium 12: Electrophoretic Deposition of Functional Coatings: from Materials Science to Biotechnology which was chaired by Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini, Dr. Begona Ferrari (ICV, Madrid, Spain) and Dr. Carmen Galassi (ISTEC, Italy). The results of these two investigations confirm the versatility of EPD in the production of bioactive composite coatings for biomedical applications, in both cases utilizing chitosan as the biocompatible polymer component of such coatings.
[1] S. Heise et al., Electrophoretic deposition of gelatine nanoparticle/chitosan coatings, _Electrochimica Acta 307 (2019) 318-325
[2] A. Pawlik, et al., Fabrication and characterization of electrophoretically deposited chitosan-hydroxyapatite composite coatings on anodic titanium dioxide layers, _Electrochimica Acta 307 (2019) 465-473
Review on EPD of chitosan composite coatings published in Progress in Materials Science
The review paper "Electrophoretic deposition of chitosan-based composite coatings for biomedical applications: A review" [1], co-authored by: Egemen Avcu, Fatih E. Baştan, Hasan Z. Abdullah, Muhammad A. Ur Rehman, Yasemin Yıldıran Avcu and Aldo R. Boccaccini, has been published in the high IF journal: Progress in Materials Science: The review covers comprehensively the growing research field of chitosan-based composite coatings developed by electrophoretic deposition (EPD), with emphasis in EPD parameters, chitosan based suspensions for EPD, properties and applications of the produced coatings.
Symposium on Electrophoretic Deposition at ISE 2018 in Bologna
Prof. Boccaccini coordinated the symposium "Electrophoretic Deposition of Functional Coatings: from Materials Science to Biotechnology",which was organised in the framework of the 69th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry , held in Bologna, Italy, on 2-7 September 2018. The symposium co-organisers were Prof. Begona Ferrari (Institute of Ceramics and Glass, Madrid, Spain) (pictured with Prof. Boccaccini) and Dr. Carmen Galassi (Italian National Research Council, Italy). The symposium featured 16 oral presentations and several posters, with a very international representation and included keynote, invited and contributed talks (speakers pictured). Selected contributions will be published in the ISE 2018 special issue in the journal Electrochimica Acta
Highly cited paper on EPD in J. European Ceramic Society
The review paper "Electrophoretic deposition: From traditional ceramics to nanotechnology " is the second most cited paper published in the _Journal of the European Ceramic Society in the last 10 years, according to the data base SCOPUS . The paper covers comprehensively the field of electrophoretic deposition (EPD) of nanomaterials and, according to Prof. Boccaccini: "the actuality of the paper indicates the increasing application of EPD in nanotechnology, researchers discover the enormous versatility of the technique to manipulate nanoparticles, carbon nanotubes, nanofibres, etc., and to achieve their assembly in functional (macro)structures. The review was written when Prof. Boccaccini was Professor at the Department of Materials, Imperial College London (UK), in collaboration with Dr. Ilaria Corni (former PhD student at Imperial College, currently at University of Southampton, UK) and _Prof. Mary Ryan (Department of Materials, Imperial College). In the same data base, the paper ranks 10th in the list of most cited papers ever when "Electrophoretic Deposition" is used as keyword.
EPD in the cover of the journal "Coatings"
The journal "Coatings" published recently the special issue "Electrophoretic Deposition", co-edited by Dr. B. Ferrari, Dr. L. Besra and Prof. A. R. Boccaccini. A picture created by Laura Ramos Rivera (PhD student at the Institute of Biomaterials, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg) was chosen for the cover of the journal.
ECS Transactions Vol. 82, No. 1: "Electrophoretic Deposition VI" published by the Electrochemical Society
ECS Transactions Vol. 82, No. 1, "Electrophoretic Deposition VI", the proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Electrophoretic Deposition (EPD 2017) held in Gyeongju, South Korea, October 1 – 6, 2017, has been published by the Electrochemical Society. Professor Aldo R. Boccaccini, the EPD 2017 conference chairman, was one of the editors of the volume together with Prof. J. H. Dickerson (USA), Dr. B. Ferrari (Spain) and Dr. T. Uchikoshi (Japan). The peer refereed manuscripts included in this special issue cover several areas of applications of EPD, from nanotechnology and functional coatings to biomaterials, and reflect the variety of topics that were presented at the EPD 2017 conference, which was sponsored by Engineering Conference International (ECI), and endorsed by The Electrochemical Society, the European Ceramic Society, the American Ceramic Society, the German Ceramic Society, and the Spanish Ceramic Society.

Successful 6th International Conference on Electrophoretic Deposition (EPD 2017)
The 6th International Conference on Electrophoretic Deposition (EPD 2017) was held on 1-6 October 2017 in Gyeongju, South Korea. Researchers from academia and industry coming from more than 15 counties attended the conference, including 6 Keynote speakers, presenting in oral and poster contributions their latest results and discussing the basics and fundamentals of EPD and its applications in a wide range of technology fields, including energy and functional materials, nanomaterials, ceramic composites, biomaterials and functional coatings. (more)

Van der Biest symposium at EPD 2017
Organised by Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini, an international symposium dedicated to honor the contributions of Prof. Omer van der Biest (KU Leuven; Belgium) to the electrophoretic deposition (EPD) field was organised on 3rd October 2017 in the framework of the 6th Int. Conference on Electrophoretic Deposition (EPD 2017) held in Gyeongju, South Korea. Prof. O. van der Biest, one of the pioneers of the applications of EPD in materials science, has co-chaired with Prof. Boccaccini all conferences of the international conferences series on EPD, which started in 2002. Speakers from different countries who have collaborated with Prof. van der Biest in different stages of their careers gave lectures at the symposium, which finalized with a special lecture by Prof. van der Biest entitled: "Research on Electrophoretic Deposition in hindsight and foresight".

This website is hosted by Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Aldo R. Boccaccini at the Biomaterials Institute at the Univeristy of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany.
The idea of this page is to provide a platform to the EPD Worldwide´s community to keep in contact and to facilitate the comunicaion between its members.